A NSW Government website

Test - Sharon - Accordion headings

Test - Sharon - Accordion headings

We use various practices and techniques to conserve the different types of sites and objects.

Aboriginal objects, significant sites and declared Aboriginal places are managed and protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.

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Tiramisu chocolate gummi bears gummi bears jelly cotton candy cupcake cookie sesame snaps. Caramels gummies tiramisu jelly brownie cotton candy marshmallow dessert pastry. Wafer cake carrot cake jujubes topping tiramisu sesame snaps bonbon chocolate bar.

Requirements for preparing Aboriginal cultural heritage management plans

ACH management plans are commonly needed for state significant projects (e.g. state significant development and state significant infrastructure) but can also be used with an Aboriginal heritage impact permit, or for conservation projects.

Each section below describes a key part of an ACH management plan and how to prepare one according to our requirements.

Heading 3 in content block above accordions

Aboriginal community involvement

Always work with the Aboriginal community and any registered Aboriginal parties for the area to prepare an Aboriginal cultural heritage management plan.

Outline relevant approvals

Outline the relevant approvals for the project, such as works approved under an Aboriginal heritage impact permit or state significant project.